Thursday, January 27, 2011

See In Faith

“‘But if you return to me and obey my commands, then even if your exiled people are at the farthest horizon, I will gather them from there and bring them to the place I have chosen as a dwelling for my Name.’” (Nehemiah 1:9)

We toured Port-au-Prince by bus for several hours Saturday afternoon. I’m grateful for the members of the other team with us who were making their return trip; their continuous commentary noting small victories of the rebuilding effort added some positivism to the grim sights meeting my eyes. Effort’s biceps looked a little weak, quite honestly.


Someone mentioned the tent cities were often better living conditions than what was previously available as an explanation why there was little motivation to make improvements: tent cities were an improvement. But the motley collection of shacks and tarps, sardined together, blues and whites, various countries’ and organizations’ relief logos dotted here and there defined squalid. Someone else explained the sad, remnant fear associated with concrete structures. Although I understood, the prospect that permanent structures were deliberately being avoided cast a shadow on my hope for change. But sloping cascades of broken bricks and so many seemingly purposeless people softened my heart; I saw in faith the beginning of God’s promise of complete restoration, to “drive out all fear” (1 John 4:18) from the hearts of men as well as to “liberate” groaning creation “from its bondage to decay” (Romans 8:21).

"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." (Hebrews 11:1)

The warehouse, roof held aloft by double-stacked sea containers, was the first part of campus visible from the bus, bouncing down the unpaved road back. It granted me a certain degree of comfort and I was quite happy to see it. Nehemiah Vision Ministries’ campus, at least, is not the same as it was last year. The nearby village of Chambrun is not invisible to the eye of God, as some might think Haiti is in general. They are held carefully in His hands. Haiti is a thin place, and Nehemiah is raised up on a Rock within it, even closer to Heaven.

Five years ago, Pastor Pierre, a Haitian man chosen by God and faithful to his calling, began Nehemiah as a school of 25 in Chambrun. School began again that Monday, and 400 blue-uniformed children poured into campus. There is a church, a clinic, a dining hall, and a dorm for volunteer teams that was finished shortly before our arrival. A second dorm and dining hall and bath houses were going up while we were there; the cinderblock walls of a hospital showed promise; rebar marked the place where 64 children will find their future home. Plans for growing produce and rumors about a chicken farm flew around with confident possibility. A vision is growing there.

A vision to demolish the cultural belief that Haitians don’t help Haitians, and that help only comes from the outside. A vision to raise up those within and eradicate illiteracy and combat apathy with a biblically founded education, to feed those kids body, mind, and soul. A vision to love with the love of God, generously, without a sense of superiority, leaving integrity intact (part of our team spent a great deal of time organizing donations into a store, created so that people can obtain what they need while lessening the appearance of a hand-out; a few people were also able to spend time in the clinic, where locals can receive affordable healthcare).

We pulled the tarpaulin roof over the new dining hall our last morning; I meditated on God’s faithfulness to His promise as the bare ribs of metal piping were covered to create a cool, shady space:

“Because of the Lord’s great love, we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” (Lamentations 3:22-23)

[Nehemiah has organized a child sponsorship program. $40/month goes to a child's education, healthcare, and food; 100% of the funds to the kids. Please prayerfully consider supporting the program. More information about the ministry and the kids can be found at:]

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